22 May 2010

Alpine, day 1

We drove to Alpine on Saturday - I'll spare the wind farm lecture for this post. Suffice to say, we weren't thrilled to see the area east of Fort Stockton lined many rows deep on much of the horizon.

As usual, the fantastic icon of the Big Bend greeted us: Paisano Pete, the Greater Roadrunner. His size matches the personality of roadrunners, larger than life!

This next image is one that I hope folks will take to heart.

"Judy the Burro Lady" was something of a legend. Some very thoughtful notes are here, via the Big Bend Gazette. There are also some anecdotes here. And endearing reminiscing here. And a bit about the spot we visited can be found here.

Near said memorial are the above burros (Penelope and Petunia, I believe).

...and, well, it's a neat little park. Irreverent and free spirited, the way things should be sometimes. It's just a fenced in pair of burros who would appreciate a nibble of something, but don't mind a pet on the nose or ear. So very soft.

I can see why a burro makes a wonderful companion, also why the slow pace and the feel of the elements is such a strong pull.

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