The black/white splotchy pattern actually isn't too bad for Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus); Cassin's Kingbird (Tyrannus vociferans)sticks out like a sore thumb on barbed wire but does wonderfully in warm foliage.
This post covers a picnic area and a bit of TNC's Madera Canyon - we couldn't have attempted the whole trail due to constant stopping and backtracking for bugs. The weekend "crowds" even made it out onto the trails and squeezing past some folks was a bit treacherous.
Gray Flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii) on territory at the picnic area adjacent to the Madera Canyon trail head.
Documenting the documenting of a Canyonland Satyr (from the previous post); the canyon that said satyr inhabited.
Bad pun warning! Timid Dainty Sulfur (Nathalis iole) ...I'm lichen it.
Acmon Blue (Plebejus acmon) - there will be another post with this lovely. Except it will be a bit more artsy. That said, I'll leave the second batch of Davis Mountain photogenic lovelies until a bit later.
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