Saturday was the beginning of Indian Market, Santa Fe's biggest/busiest weekend of the year (apparently closely followed by Spanish Market). Being less than fond of crowds, Matt and I opted to leave town for most of the day. Our goal was simple, just to get out of town and maybe see some birds, bugs, and burgers. Mmm, burgers.
In Glorieta, Matt and I saw large flocks of Evening Grosbeaks (a new bird for both of us) and, as posted in the Sister & Skipperlings post, the lovely Arizona Sister (and later, Russet Skipperling). The photos below give you an idea of what you're looking for when you stare at a tree long enough ;-)
Other fun finds included Brewer's Blackbird and a bluet (ID pending).
By the time we finished traipsing around Glorieta, it was most definitely time for sustenance. Matt remembered a place from his youth, Bobcat Bite. Apparently it had been a bit over a decade since he'd last sunk his teeth into their green chili cheeseburger.
While chowing on the deliciously happy burgers (their beef is about as natural as it gets, shy of still being in the pasture), we were fortunate to be seated in front of the window. The bar seats are perfect for birding - their bird bath attracted Juniper Titmouse and House Finch, but the hummingbird feeder was constantly a blur of Broad-tailed and Black-chinned Hummingbirds. Much to our surprise, there was even one adult male Ruby-throated Hummingbird in the mix. What immediately set him apart was the short little stubby tail that was quite hidden by his wings. His gorget (throat) was a little more angular than the others, if similar in color (they all reflected the red feeder rather obviously).
After thoroughly satiating our green chili cheeseburger curiosity, we adventured off to Pecos and the fabled Monastery Lake. Fabled, because the signs kept pointing and we never thought we'd get there. Specifically, I was getting drowsy from the burger and really wanted to loiter in the shade. Eventually we found it, surrounded by signs:
Since the lake proper was surrounded by people fishing, Matt and I wandered some trails. As usual, the water was ridiculously cold and I was unable to keep my feet out of it. Water beckons me.
Otherwise, it was this stop where Matt found our Russet Skipperling, and I pestered a lovely dragonfly (ID pending). On our way back to civilization, we stopped at a crossing of the Pecos River... and you can guess whose feet got wet. Again. Must be a peculiar genetic attraction to my toes being in water. Along the road to the river, however, we stumbled upon a rather fun looking (and rather deceased) insect that quite stumps me. Suggestions are welcome!
Edit: it seems to be one of the megaloptera or plecoptera, but is missing antennae.
Upon returning home, we found that the cousinlet was being awakened from her nap. And, missing our puppy, Matt was found at the top of the stairs, snuggling with their puppy. Not a bad way to unwind after a day of wet feet and green chili adventures.
Day 7 will likely be a lot of insects, beware!