Great birds in the area. We also ran across this Arizona Sister (Adelpha eulalia)
while we were sifting through a couple mixed flocks of birds. Always a beauty of a bug to come across it was not new for us, however to our backs of this picture we happened across a life bird; the Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus). Actually saw 30+ along the Ponderosa and Pinyon Pines. We were thrilled, obviously.
Not long after, we grabbed lunch at a place that was luckily still thriving and then we went out toward the Pecos-area.
While traipsing along a small lake we happened upon a new skipperling. Not an overtly gaudily colorful bug and perhaps not of interest to many of you all, but we were certainly happy.
Not much larger than a dime, the Russet Skipperling (Piruna pirus) is local in the central and southern portion of the Rockies. This guy was observed in a moist, grassy gully.
Always nice to add a new skipperling to this life's observations. Not always easy due to size. Quite easy to unknowingly walk by.
As ususal your photographs are breath-taking. It was a delight to read of your NM wanderings and discoveries. (bd)