04 January 2013

Snow in Marathon!

Also, we're at 33233 page views for this blog, says Google. But more importantly, a real family photo! Anakin is wearing his fancy harness and new collar (not that you can see it under all that fur!) and Matt is wearing a camo scarf (that's why you can't see it) knit by Kindli. Nauga is wearing her thrift-store onesie under her windbreaker and harness, and I'm sporting the bright orange Kindli-knit scarf. Wonder what Anakin found so interesting...

Thanks for being an awsome neighbor, Tom, sorry to have hauled you into the cold from your cozy afternoon of rest and warmth!

...and I just realized that we're posed the exact same way. Hrmph. At least we're not accidentally wearing the same thing!

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