20 April 2009

Even during the mundane

Banality doesn't exist. One may just have to look a little harder at times.
In spring? Look and listen.
Look and listen up, around, and most certainly look down.

While Heidi and I were moving some things out of her Abilene residence to the back of my truck: First flights of....

(Chlosyne lacinia) Bordered Patch

(Staphylus hayhurstii) Hayhurst's Scallopwing

Be aware of what thou mow-est this year. What might seem an undesirable weed may not be so undesirable.


  1. not so much mowing as weed-whacking thigh-high past-bloom dandelions and odd non-flowering unidentifiables... and yes, they were QUITE undesirable... we desired space for the wine barrel veggie garden & blackberries! :)

    lovely pics btw. looking forward to meeting you in May!

  2. At that moment, at the particular intersection of time and space where the pictures were taken, they (atleast temporarily) were not so undesirable.

    Good for you using your space for veggies and berries. :-)

    I certainly look forward to meeting you in May, as well as Gavin and Oliver!

    Sometimes one gets lucky and the pictures sort of take themselves. ;-)
